NEWS: Oh Telephone - kill, kill, kill (VRCD137/VR12137)

2024, CH, egg punk, Garage Punk, rock’n’roll blues trash, swiss punk, Voodoo Rhythm Records

Artist: Oh Telephone
Album Title: kill kill kill
Format LP+DL: VR12137 (barcode: 7640148983457) 
Format CD: VRCD137 (barcode: 7640148983525) 
Date of Release:  Oct 11.2024

from Bern Switzerland the real shit, Garage-Psych like no other band Teenage Angst screams never calculated but spontaneous outburst of passion, guitars pierce every eardrum With a few effect devices standing around, it's not shoegaze that's being practiced, but rather tap dancing powerful Egg Punk bass and a Californian import on efficient drums
1. low life
2. feed me
3. el entierro de los gatos
4. oh no
5. can't ride with me
6. repo man
7. fox
8. white sweater
9. thoughts
10. too soon
11. kill kill kill
12. bad advice
OH TELEPHONE have their origins in the deep valleys of the Glarnerland (mountain region in switzerland) where thanks to the Veka Club they were well socialized and made resistant to any mainstream influences. Booking agencies and Labels are just shooting around with bands with Psych in the name who would like to be the next Oh-Sees and at the same time model their sound in a way that is horribly radio-friendly. OH TELEPHONE, on the other hand, is the real shit, garage-psych like no other band currently plays. Their screams never seem calculated but rather like a spontaneous outburst of passion, their guitars pierce every eardrum With a few effect devices standing around, it's not shoegaze that's being practiced, but rather tap dancing. Now the two masterminds behind their former bands SHOUTIN' MOE and THE OUTTA MIND have moved their caravan to Bern and have bred the perfect mix of their two former bands there, together with Gael at the powerful post -Punk bass and a Californian import on efficient drums.

For these recordings on the album they drove to the depths of southern France to record this album with Lo Spider in his Swamp Lands Studio (the Monsters, the Spits, Scanners, the Lullies etc). The final fix was then added by Jim Diamond (The Dirtbombs , Electric Six, The White Stripes, The Sonics, The Devils)  Watch out! Celebrate! (wicked wiggler)
OH TELEPHONE haben ihren Ursprung in den tiefen Tälern des Glarnerlands, wo sie dank dem Veka Club bestens sozialisiert und resistent gemacht wurden gegen jegliche Mainstreameinflüsse. Bookingagenturen schiessen nur so um sich mit Bands mit Psych in der Bezeichnung welche gerne die nächsten Oh-Sees wären und dabei ihren Sound grausig radiotauglich modellieren. OH TELEPHONE hingegen sind the real shit, Garage-Psych wie er momentan von keiner Band besser gespielt wird. Ihre Zwischenschreie wirken nie berechnet sondern wie ein spontaner Ausbruch der Leidenschaft, ihre Gitarren durchlöchern jedes Trommelfell und wenn am Boden so einige Effektgeräte rumstehen wird nicht Shoegaze sondern Steptanz betrieben. Nun haben die beiden Masterminds hinter ihren früheren Bands SHOUTIN‘ MOE und THE OUTTA MIND ihren Wohnwagen nach Bern gezügelt und dort die perfekte Mischung ihrer beiden früheren Bands gezüchtet, zusammen mit Gael am druckvollen Post-Punk Bass und einem kalifornischen Import am effizienten Schlagzeug.

für diese Aufnahmen auf dem Album sind sie ins Tiefe Süd Frankreich gefahren um mitLo Spider in sein Swamp lands Studio (the Monsters, the Spits, Scanners, the Lullies etc) dieses album einzuspielen den schluss fix hatt dann noch Jim Diamond dazu gegeben (The Dirtbombs, Electric Six, The White Stripes, The Sonics, The Devils) Aufgepasst! Abfeiern! (wicked wiggler)
Lukas Heer: Git & Voc
Moritz Maerz: Git, Voc & Synth.
Gael-Cedric Zumbach: Bass
Timothy Underwood: Drums



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