the Monsters - Magazine 36 pages (English or German)

magazine, Voodoo Rhythm Records

1st - German version (yellow)
2nd - English version (pink)

That's incredible!!! 36 ultra cool pages in the in-house the Monsters fanzine, written in German or English .. version!!!!!
Printed in offset on A4 on the thinnest shit paper they had
written about and by the Monsters but mostly by: Joachim Hiller (OX) Lurker (Swiss Punk) with stories and interviews with:

Raff (1st Bassplayer)
Yves (1st Guitarist)
Tibu (Clone Drummer nr.1)
Pfifu (founder of Record Junkie)
Beat-Man (singer guitarist)
Peppe (2nd drummer and ex member of the Hangout)
Tiger (1st Bass player and ex Mitglied von the bates(swiss band 1882)
Janosh (bass player)
Jan (drummer)
Pumi (the sound of the monsters)

incredibly much image material and photos where you have never seen before

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